If you need help because you have certain medical needs as well as personal care needs, some or all of your care costs could be paid for by the NHS
NHS Continuing Healthcare
If the NHS agrees you have a ‘primary health need’ your care costs will be met through Continuing Healthcare funding. This means you typically need to have a long-term, complex health need that goes beyond the needs of basic personal care. The funding could cover care home fees or the cost of care in your own home.
Your eligibility isn’t based on you having a particular type of medical condition. It’s about whether a major part of your care is to support your health needs or prevent them from getting worse. Being frail, for example, isn’t enough on its own to qualify for Continuing Healthcare.
If in England
You can get an assessment for NHS Continuing Healthcare funding by asking your GP or contacting your local Integrated Care Board (ICB).
If in Scotland
In Scotland, NHS Continuing Healthcare has been replaced with Hospital Based Complex Clinical Care. This fund only covers care in a hospital environment. If you need care at home or in a care home, you’ll need to contact your local authority to explore funding options.
Read more on the Scottish Government website.
If in Wales
In Wales, you’ll need to ask your local NHS Health Board for a Continuing Healthcare assessment.
If in Northern Ireland
If you live in Northern Ireland, it’s your Local Commissioning Group that you will need to contact for an assessment.
Care Cost Calculator
Many people needing care find they’ll have to cover some or all of the costs themselves, and it can be daunting. But knowing all your options could help to save you money. Our Care Costs Calculator can help you to understand the cost of care in your area and fully explore your funding options.

Read more
Understanding your options
While they’re the most well known, care homes aren’t your only option. Find out about other potential options, such as home adaptations.
Finding care
Whether you need some help at home or want to find out more about Care Homes in your area, we have information on where to search and what questions to ask.
Avoiding care costs
Our mythbusting guide can help you make sense of gifting rules.